Innovate Uk Projects in partnership with Brunel University London and Netune Atlantic
Netune Atlantic Ltd is also an agro-tech commodities, fresh fruits and vegetables (FFV) processing and storage company that also specializes in GHG mitigation in the Agrifoods sector in Nigeria.
A core part of our R&D Project is the development of a “mobile solar-powered off-grid cold storage technology known as SOLTECH" for adequate preservation and extending of the shelf-life of FFVs that are produced by smallholder horticulture farmers in local communities across Nigeria.
Since its installation, over 175 market women and FFV traders are currently using SOLTECH to store and profitably trade their food produce, and FFV consumers/customers are now buying and consuming more nutritionally healthy FFVs.
The Cold Chain Solar Facility is making a difference in preserving fresh fruits and vegetables produced by rural communities. We have focused on the storage and preservation value-chain for the first-mile and last-mile efficient FFV transportation and distribution for enhanced food security.
Importantly, the scaling up of this technology will reduce (and possibly eliminate) food losses and wastages, increase production outputs for the socio-economic benefit of smallholders and local farming communities, as well as guarantee food security in Nigeria.
Our goal is to enhance food security, extend the shelf-life of agricultural produce and enable the first-mile and last-mile delivery of quality fresh food to remote areas and markets through multiple installation of our Mobile Solar Cold Chain Cooling System.
This also impacts on gender equality and social inclusion -- The application and commercialisation of the technology will provide opportunities for women to participate in the process as equals with men and provide access to low energy cooling and refrigeration technologies for low-income households.
Since we deployed this facility at the market, we have observed the following:
- Extended Shelf-life of the traders’ fresh fruits and vegetables
- Increase in their sales and profitability
- Not under pressure to sell at a loss knowing it can be safely preserved until the next market day
- They need more of such facility to cater for a wide range of horticulture produce they sell in the market
- Cost of running and maintaining the facility is minimal
- Environmentally friendly facility given the fact it's fully Solar Powered and Batteries run the facility at Night when the sun has set
- End-users are paying for the services given the positive effect on their business
- We are gradually witnessing a culture change and acceptance of the new technology
- It is Mobile and can be moved around different places if the need arises.